Tuesday 12 May 2020

The Andy Kershaw Show
19 May 1996

Well...here we go again...
We shall start the 3rd edition of TLD.
Mr. Thompson with his usual high
standard of guitar, singing and charm.
This was at the time of You? Me? Us?
and all songs apart from
1952 Vincent Black Lightning
are taken from that album.

01. Chat
02. Hide It Away
03. Chat
04. Train Don't Leave
05. Chat
06. Cold Kisses
07. Chat
08. 1952 Vincent Black Lightning
09. Chat
10. Dark Hand Over My Heart
11. Chat
12. The Ghost Of You Walks
13. Chat
14. She Cut Off Her Long Silken Hair
15. Chat



  1. I soon as I saw the name it rang a (Egyptian)bell.It must be 10 years? I read a couple of your posts on SB which also rang bells. The kasim Sultan post where you mentioned Knebworth 79, I was there and remember absolutely zero, couldn't even recall the line up apart from LZ. In another post you mentioned the Platform at Morecambe (can't recall the artist)but I certainly recall the venue. First time was in 89 I think for a Womad festival. The trains were actually still running then and every now and then passengers would troop through the crowd to the exit on the Prom. Very weird, but not as weird as now. Regards

  2. Thanks Sir Billy. First comment on TLD mk. iii Platform is a strange venue... wider than it is long. Titus

  3. Nine Thompson things . All the links are dead ?

    1. I'm assuming you are requesting a re-up. This one should be working now
