Thursday 28 May 2020

Steely Dan
Gorge Amphitheatre
George, WA
17th Aug 1996

I always think of this as the sister recording
in my collection to the Irvine Meadows show
I posted on Soundaboard...oh, eleven years ago
(when AtticRock was still in short trousers)
Great performance from Walter and Donald
with their usual array of first class musicians.

Set 1
01 Do it Again
02 Bad Sneakers
03 Everyone's Gone to the Movies
04 Josie
05 Jack of Speed
06 Hey Nineteen
07 FM (No Static at All) - intros
08 Green Earrings
09 Rikki Don't Lose that Number
10 Green Flower Street
11 Peg

Set 2
01 East St. Louis Toodle-oo
02 Glamour Profession
03 My Waterloo
04 Cash Only Island
05 Midnight Cruiser
06 Black Cow
07 Home at Last
08 Kid Charlemagne
09 Don't Take Me Alive
10 My Old School
11 outro FM (No Static at All)



  1. Hi, I would appreciate it if you could repost Steely Dan

  2. Thanks Titus Luxor!
    Cool Blog!
