Monday 31 August 2020

Gandalf Murphy and the Slambovian Circus of Dreams
Philadelphia Folk Festival
Schwenksville, PA
August 20th 2010

I was introduced to this band several years ago
by a fomer work colleague.
Recently came accross a DVD data disc
which had lots of their stuff on it
including three live bootlegs.
Other interesting things on that disc
but I will start with this one.
A pretty good audience recording.
(some chatter in quieter moments)
and a few electrical pops at the beginning
of Gates of Eden and towards the end of Alice in Space.
Punk Classical Hillbilly Floyd I am told :)

01 intro
02 Tink
03 banter
04 Grand Slambovians
05 banter
06 Windmills
07 banter
08 Trans-Slambovian bi-polar Express
09 banter
10 Gates of Eden
11 banter
12 Alice in Space

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