Thursday 3 September 2020

Dread Zeppelin
Rockford IL
September 5th 1999

Very good soundboard of this fabulous band.
Elvis/Zeppelin/reggae with a touch of ganja.
Featuring Buttboy (better guitarist than Jimmy Page)
Ed Zeppelin (tom-toms/reggae rap)
Charlie Hodge (water & towels)
and from Memphis to the Misty Mountains
I bring you ...Tortelvis!

01 intro
02 Immigrant Song
03 Doin' the Claw
04 Whole Lotta Love
05 Ramble On
06 Friend Bob Marley
07 Q & A with Tortelvis/Buttboy song/C.C. Rider
08 Viva Las vegas
09 What Is and What Should Never Be
10 Black Dog
11 The Girl I love She Got Long Black Wavy Hair
12 Don't Call Me Rasta, Fat Boy
13 Baba O'Riley
14 Going to California
15 Stairway to Heaven
16 outro
17 Heartbreaker Hotel

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