Thursday 23 September 2021

Two gigs next week.
The first in over 18 months.
2nd row for Tull in Blackburn
and 7th row for Steve  Hackett in Bradford.
I'm really looking forward to live music again.


  1. Enjoy, I'm waiting anxiously for that too end of the year with Steve Hackett and Cheap Trick. Only had a French folk singer, Maxime Le Forestier, this summer in front of a thousand people but the emotion was already so intense. Our world is disappearing, hurry and enjoy !

  2. nice...and nice seats! have been on a serious tull kick over the past several years. got to see the classic lineup (sadly post glascock, in 79), that one still IMO one of the best live bands ever...and cool that hackett is playing at the same time that genesis is playing just crumbs of what hackett is performing in full glory - and at likely 1/10 the ticket price!
    looking forward to your reports.
    cheers, mikeL

  3. Must be over 15 years since I last saw Tull. I thought Ian was looking old at the time HaHa.

  4. The King Of Prussia24 September 2021 at 16:00

    I'll be in Bradford too. Not sure of the row - my wife has the tickets.

  5. cool! I mean that you trust your wife. :)
