Thursday 4 May 2023

Coronation? Give me a break!
Bring back the guillotine.
I'll pull thre handle myself...for free
(I'm not doing anything on Saturday)
That family is Britain's biggest benefits fraudsters.
( I suppose it's too late to say 'no politics'?...Ed.)
Kick them out and charge £30 to look around Buckingham Palace.
Then we might see a return on our investment.
Just sayin'


  1. Softshoebanana4 May 2023 at 22:02

    I'm also free on Sat, I'll place the basket for catching the heads. Stick it all some pay per view channel and let's make some money (to be distributed equally to the masses).

  2. Amen! Beyond fantasy in the modern world. Chas would be world hero by giving up the charade on his watch.
