Thursday 2 November 2023

Winter's End Festival
The Drill Hall
Chepstow, Wales
April 2nd 2023

You can hear me clapping and cheering on this!
It has some nice stereo separation.
It's a laid-back bi-annual festival
which I've been to a few times and highly recommend.
The crowd are attentive and well behaved
although this generally gentile bunch (average age over 60)
come over like rent-a-prog-mob between songs
and they overdrive the mics on 'Roses'
which has evolved into the RPWL sing-along anthem.

The stuff from the new album reminds me of IQ at times.
I enjoy Yogi's Gilmouresque vocal delivery.
They are a pro outfit. The drum kit was encased in a perspex cell.
(see my Wilko post for an alternative viewpoint on "spillage") :)
BTW....another German band played the same day:
Seven Steps to the Green Door
I've got a recording of that.
(mid-remaster at the time of writing).
RPWL are not exactly a new band but relatvely so I suppose.
I've seen a lot of things recently bemoaning, still active, 70s bands:
"Yes are a weak Steve Howe tribute band" etc.
Well...I am glad Steve still performs the music.
I don't care if there are only two original members in BÖC. need to keep going if you want 'vital' music.
Investigate new will find things you love.
Go to see RPWL if they play near you
and my tip? Beardfish have reformed.
Don't miss it this time FFS!
...and remember:

Remastering is a compromise as I've said before.
This is my favourite of several tries.
I was there and I wanted to give an idea what it was like.
It was better 'in the flesh'
Trust me, I'm a Doctor.
This long post is deliberately designed
to make 'leaches' have further to scroll down
in their quest for the word 'link'.
Like packs of dogs assaulting the glass fronts of Love-Me Avenue
Play it loud! (or whatever loud is for you)
Perhaps better to say: let it breathe.

Disc 1
01 intro by Stephen Lambe
02 Victim of Desire
03 Red Rose
04 A Cold Spring Day in '22
05 Life in a Cage
06 King of the World
07 Another Life Beyond Control

Disc 2
01 Hole in the Sky
02 A New World
03 Light of the World
04 What I Really Need
05 Gentle Art of Swimming/drum solo
06 Unchain the Earth (The Scientist)
07 The Shadow
08 Roses


  1. Most fun to read all through this as I didn't find the link at the end as I felt asleep after my midday coffee break. I'm over sixty nowadays and cannot afford a long reading in the afternoon... zzzzzz. But still wll find the link this evening before my evening aperitif, a scottish whisky if you don't mind.
