Sunday 5 November 2023

Steely Dan
Pine Knob Amphitheater
Detroit, MI
June 25th 2000

Pine Knob is actually in Clarkston (a suburb of Detroit)
This is an oft-praised soundboard.
Rightly so...but...I don't rate it as highly as others.
So I remastered it quite a bit.
I know...I will burn in hell etc.
Too 'bright' for me.
Where's the fucking analog warmth man?
I dulled it down.
Boo/hiss...say the crowd.
I don't like recoedings that I don't want to turn up louder.
I want it to sound like the albums not a chip pan.
Like being in one of those outdoor northern European bars
where they provide red blankets in the hope you will
wrap one around yourself and buy another overpriced beer.
Some extra work was done on the piano solo.
There was an imfamous gap in 'Kid Charlemagne' which I have patched.
Not perfect, but I prefer my 'blink and you'll miss it' patched version
to the 'hey I was grooving to that
until i was kicked in the balls by silence' one.
Nothing worthwhile I could think of doing
about the missing part of 'Don't Take Me Alive'.
Not too sure this remaster has strength?
but c'mon...give me a quarter star upgrade score for effort!
My favourite track?
'Josie (power failure)'
Do I detect a slightly meaner 'attack' on take 2?
Beautiful interpretatinon of 'Dirty Work'.
...and they wandered in from the city of St. John without a dime

Disc 1
01 The Boston Rag
02 Bodhisattva
03 Night by Night
04 Janie Runaway
05 piano solo
06 Josie (power failure)
07 Josie (take 2)
08 Black Friday
09 Daddy Don't Live in that New York City No More
10 Bad Sneakers
11 Jack of Speed
12 West of Hollywood

Disc 2
01 Hank's Pad
02 The Royal Scam
03 Deacon Blues
04 Cousin Dupree
05 Monkey in Your Soul
06 Dirty Work
07 Peg
08 Kid Charlemagne
09 Don't Take Me Alive (fades in)
10 My Old School
11 FM

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