Wednesday 15 November 2023

20 Years of Karisma Records
Det Akademisk Kvarter
Bergen, Norway
June 3rd 2023

Another recording from the Karisma Records event.
This band reminds me of Gong.
Wish I knew what they are saying/singing.
I hope I've got the track listing correct.
The last song is new but I read on their FB site
that it is called 'Trembling' if my translation is adequate.
So they may actually call it Skjelvende?
At the end of the set (I'm guessing a bit/a lot)
a traditional Norwegian version of 'happy birthday to you'
is sung by the band/crowd in honour of the record company.
Am I right about that? Help me out Scandi-savvy people! :)
It's good stuff if you lean towards
the Gong/Hawkwind/Soft Machine side of things
...and maybe a soupçon of Krautrock.
The remaster had mixed results especially on parts of track 3
but overall that was a sacrifice worth making I felt.
If you think this might interest you then DL it.
Don't come back in ten years time whinging:
"I prefer the early stuff, they've sold out,
here's only two of the 'classic' line-up left in it".
I'll refuse to re-up it!
(He will re-up it...Ed.)

01 Riset Bak Speilet 
02 Hestehoven 
03 The Cycle of the Gylfaginning
04 Trembling (OK...maybe Skjelvende)

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