Friday 28 June 2024

Akhenaten was my favourite pharaoh.
Later branded a heretic, he rejected polytheism
and advocated worship of the Aten (Sun).
At least the Sun is tangible and a worthy candidate for 'giver-of-life'.
I like to think of him as trying to move gradually towards atheism
or certainly to a more humancentric society.
He was the first pharoah to be depicted with his wife (Nefertiti) and their children.
(beneath the Aten in the picture)
He left the capital, Thebes (now Luxor) and founded the city of Amarna
...the first hippy commune? :)
The disgruntled old guard in Thebes eventually managed to regain control.
Amarna was abandoned and the polytheistic religion was reinstated
under the figurehead of Akhenaten's son, the famous, Tutankhamun.
Who many believe was manipulated by the High Priests
...and died at suspisciuosly young age.

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