Tuesday 2 July 2024

When I was a kid we played football in the side street.
When was the last ime you saw that?
You could throw out a stale crust of bread
and hundreds of sparrows would descend to fight over it.
There was no internet.


  1. In Flanders in the flat lands, where I was born, we used to play football but most of all during summertime to have biking contests driving around the block of houses for 30 or 50 times. It was always the same guy, 5 years older than all of the twenty of us merely 12 years old, who won the race and got the kisses from the girls. So stupid girls. There was no internet no playstation. We had fun.

  2. we played handball, dodgeball, stickball, rode bikes all day, came home muddy, sometimes bloody, or wet after falling into creeks or ponds trying to grab minnows, wandered the woods, put quarters on tracks for passing trains to flatten. no cells. home safe every time.
    this would sound unthinkable to today's young i'm sure.

  3. Far too many cars now to play football or cricket in a side street as we did. When I started work every car had five people in it. They would share fuel costs . 20 years later they didn't want to go out of their way
    to pick anyone up.
