Thursday, 30 July 2020

I don't like the trend for bands/artists not having a website
and choosing to use FB instead.
I do not have a facebook account and would rather
be lying in a swamp with rats pecking at my eyes.


  1. Nice thought it was just me that was anti facebook and the rest
    of the so called social media crap

  2. Thanks Grizz. Glad you enjoyed the Cult show and death to social media (except my blog of course!)

  3. Hi Titus, I've never had a Faecebook account and it's rare to find anyone else who won't use it. But during this time of lockdown I know many people are using it to stay in touch with friends, so I can see it must be useful to them at the moment. What used to really annoy me is when a friend would mention a past event that I missed and say "well, it was all over Facebook", implying I was choosing to miss out on things.

  4. Not really bothered if people use it, it's mainly when bands use it instead of a proper website that irks me. Not having an account freezes you out which seems counter productive. And some of these FB groups are dubious. I could give examples.

  5. I had a Fakebook business account once. All it had on it was "I Hate Facebook". They kindly sent me the numbers of vists the page had had every month for about a year. Then someone must've woken up.

  6. Funny how many of us are like minded on this, must be a grumpy old rocker thing. BTW Sir Billy, do you by any chance have a tree on your shoulder called Ethell?
