Saturday 24 September 2022

The cost of gigging crisis.
part two: 1978

You'll have to take my word for it, but this 'D' is in fact Hawkwind.
We see that Mr. Brock has upped his fee to £3.

£2.80 seems to be the standard going rate in 78.
Judas Priest and Steve Hackett being examples:

Perhaps surprisingly, the mighty Meat Loaf only charged £2.50.

So the big man wins the Titus Luxor 'People's Champion of 1978' award.


  1. Ha, those were the days. Before the venues 'simplified' things, by doing away with the box offices and introduced booking fees, postage and handling charges, know to me as fisting fees.
    I recall sending a postal order off to venues with the self addressed envelope, waiting a few days till tickets arrived.

    We had a local theatre that put on a lot of rock bands, the first time I went there with third row tickets, I was rather disappointed that after about 3 songs everyone stood up or ran to the front. After that experience I used to buy the cheaper tickets at the back or sides and would run to the front myself often saving £1.

    I've just found my oldest ticket stub (but not my first gig), Feb 1980, Def Leppard £1.95, support band Wychfynde.

    1. Yes, those were the days when you all piled down the front! Before the term 'mosh-pit' had even been coined. For a year or two I actually used to go to the back at metal gigs because there was more room to dance and play air-guitar. I was one of a few regulars who took that option and we all became 'noding terms' friends. Used to see the same people at record fairs...the obsessives I guess :)
