Sunday 31 December 2023

Gabba Zappa Hey!
Hey Punk (2017)

As you may have guessed this band play Zappa music
but in a punk/Ramones style.
There are Ruts and Clash teasers in there too.
They titled the tracks in an abrieviated fashion like a setlist
hence my brackets for the rest of the original titles.
Good fun. I have a bootleg somewhere.

01 Flower (Punk)
02 (Lemme Take You to the) Beach
03 Dumb (All Over)
04 Dog (Breath in the Year of the Plague)
05 Hungry (Freaks Daddy)
06 (I Have Been) In You
07 Clownz (on Velvet)
08 Frogs (with Dirty Little Lips)
09 Wowie (Zowie)
10 Eddie (are You Kidding?)
11 Fine (Girl)
12 Dead (Girls of London)

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