Wednesday 6 December 2023

Lynn Memorial Auditorium
Lynn, MA.
September 27th 2023

A recent show from the unfashionablw current line-up which I have remastered.
They sound OK to me.

Disc 1
01 intro - Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra
02 Going for the One
03 It Will Be a Good Day
04 Machine Messiah
05 I've Seen All Good People
06 America (Instrumental)
07 Time and a Word
08 South Side of the Sky
09 Turn of the Century

Disc 2
01 Don't Kill the Whale
02 Cut Through the Stars
03 Tales from Topographic Oceans medley:
   The Revealing Science of God (Dance of the Dawn)
   The Remembering (High the Memory)
   The Ancient (Giants Under the Sun)
   Ritual (Nous Sommes du Soleil)
04 break
05 band intros/Roundabout
06 Starship Trooper

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